
How to save header in word mac
How to save header in word mac

Close the header and footer (red x on the top right-hand side of the page).Use the backspace key to set your title to the left and then use the tab key to move the page number back to the right hand side (usually 2 tabs).Set the cursor just to the left of the number 1 and type Running head: and then your abbreviated title in all caps. Your cursor should now be at the top of page 1 in the header box.Go to the menu, at the top of the page, under Header and Footer Tools, click the box that says Different first page.Select the option you want (usually top of the page).On the toolbar that appears, choose the Page Number option.

how to save header in word mac

Microsoft Word 2013, click here or read on:

  • Click on the red "X" to close the Header and Footer Tools.
  • Tab the 2 over to the right side of the header.
  • Type in your title or abbreviated title in all caps in front of the 2.
  • Tab over twice and type in the numeral 1.
  • In the Header, type Running head: and then your abbreviated title in all caps.
  • At the top of the page, under Header and Footer Tools, click the box that says Different first page.
  • how to save header in word mac

  • In the Header and Footer box, click on Page Number and select the location/option you want the page number (usually top of the page, plain number 1).
  • From the menu, click on the Insert tab.

  • How to save header in word mac